Antigua and Barbuda
/bɑːˈbuːdə/- a country consisting of three islands (Antigua, Barbuda, and Redonda) in the Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean; pop. 85,600 (est. 2009); languages, English (official), Creole; capital, St John's (on Antigua). Discovered in 1493 by Columbus and settled by the English in 1632, Antigua became a British colony with Barbuda as its dependency; the islands gained independence within the Commonwealth in 1981.安提瓜和巴布达(由加勒比海东部背风群岛的三个岛屿[安提瓜岛、巴布达岛和雷东达岛] 组成, 2009年估计人口85,600, 语言为英语[官方语言] 和克里奥耳语, 首都圣约翰[位于安提瓜岛]; 1493年被哥伦布发现, 1632年英国向该地移民, 安提瓜岛遂沦为英国殖民地, 巴布达岛则成为其属地; 1981年在英联邦范围内获得独立地位)。