- a country in western Europe; pop. 64,420,100 (est. 2009); official language, French; capital, Paris法国(西欧国家; 2009年估计人口64,420,100; 官方语言为法语; 首都巴黎)。
France became a major power under the Valois and Bourbon dynasties in the 16th-18th centuries, and, after the overthrow of the monarchy in the French Revolution (1789), briefly dominated Europe under Napoleon. Defeated in the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1), the country suffered much destruction and loss of life in the First World War and during the Second World War was occupied by the Germans. France was a founder member of the EEC in 1957.
- France2, Anatole (1844-1924), French writer; pseudonym of Jacques-Anatole-François Thibault. Works include the novel Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (1881) and his ironic version of the Dreyfus case, L'Ile des pingouins (1908). Nobel Prize for Literature (1921).法朗士, 阿纳托尔(1844-1924, 法国作家, 雅克-阿纳托尔-弗郎索瓦·蒂波的笔名, 作品包括小说《希尔维斯特·波纳尔的罪行》[1881]和讽刺“德雷福斯事件”的小说《企鹅岛》[1908], 1921年获诺贝尔文学奖)。