- a rigid structure that surrounds or encloses a picture, door, windowpane, or similar画框; 门框; 窗框; 边框; 框架。
a metal or plastic structure holding the lenses of a pair of glasses眼镜框。
- the rigid supporting structure of an object such as a vehicle, building, or piece of furniture车架; 建筑物的构架; 家具的骨架。
- a person's body with reference to its size or build(人的)身躯; 体格:
a shiver shook her slim frame.
她打了个哆嗦, 纤细的身躯颤抖了一阵。
- a box-like structure of glass or plastic in which seeds or young plants are grown(玻璃或塑料的箱式)轻便温床。
- an apparatus with a surrounding structure, especially one used in weaving, knitting, or embroidery(纺织、编结或刺绣用的)框。
- in sing. archaic or poetic/literary the universe, or part of it, regarded as an embracing structure〈古或诗/文〉被认为是包含结构的宇宙(或其部分)。
- in sing. archaic or poetic/literary the structure, constitution, or nature of someone or something〈古或诗/文〉(人、事物的)结构, 构成, 构造; 本性:
we have in our inward frame various affections.
- usu. in sing. a basic structure that underlies or supports a system, concept, or text(系统、概念或文章的)基本框架:
the establishment of conditions provides a frame for interpretation.
- technical short for FRAME OF REFERENCE.〈技〉FRAME OF REFERENCE的简称。
- Linguistics a structural environment within which a class of words or other linguistic units can be correctly used. For example I - him is a frame for a large class of transitive verbs.【语言学】替换框架。
- a feature which marks a transition from one section of discourse to another语篇过渡:
frames are realized by linguistic items such as 'well', 'right', and 'OK'.
话语过渡靠'well', 'right', and 'OK'等词语实现。
- a section of a discourse separated in such a way被语篇过渡分割的语篇部分。
- (in semantics) an underlying conceptual structure into which the meanings of a number of related words fit(语义学用语)语义关联词类:
the frame of verbs of perception.
- a social context determining the interpretation of an utterance决定话语解释的社会场合:
an utterance may mean the opposite of what it says if used within a frame of teasing.
- a single complete picture in a series forming a cinema, television, or video film(电影、电视或录像的)画面; 画格。
- a single picture in a comic strip连环漫画的单张画。
- Computing a graphic panel in a display window, especially in an Internet browser, which encloses a self-contained section of data and permits multiple independent document viewing【计算机】(因特网浏览器或显示窗口中包含独立数据并允许查看多个文档的)图形面板。
- the triangular structure for positioning the red balls in snooker(斯诺克比赛中固定红球位置的)三角框。比较RACK1 (义项4)。
- a single game of snooker斯努克比赛的一局。
- place (a picture or photograph) in a frame将(图画或照片)装框:
he had had the photo framed.
- surround so as to create a sharp or attractive image勾勒出明显(或有魅力)的形象:
a short, strong style cut to frame the face.
- create or formulate (a concept, plan, or system)制订; 规划(观念, 计划, 体制):
staff have proved invaluable in framing the proposals.
- form or articulate (words)说出, 讲出, 表达:
he walked out before she could frame a reply.
她还没来得及想好怎么回答, 他就走出去了。
- archaic make or construct (something) by fitting parts together or in accordance with a plan〈古〉创造; 建造; 构筑; 组成:
what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?
那是何等样的鬼斧神工, 创造了你如此勾魂摄魄的和谐之美?
- informal produce false evidence against (an innocent person) so that they appear guilty〈非正式〉诬陷; 陷害:
he claims he was framed.
be in (或out of) the frame
- be (or not be) eligible or the centre of attention符合(或不符合)条件的; 成为(没有成为)关注的焦点。
- under suspicion or wanted (or not) by the police被警方怀疑或通缉的; 被警方怀疑但未被通缉的:
he was always in the frame for the killing.
frame of mind
- a particular mood that influences one's attitude or behaviour心绪, 心情, 心境。