/ˌsɑːvɔːnɑːˈrɔːlɑː/- Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-98), Italian preacher and religious reformer. A Dominican monk and strict ascetic, he became popular for his passionate preaching against immorality and corruption. Savonarola became virtual ruler of Florence (1494-5) but in 1497 he was excommunicated and later executed as a heretic.萨伏那洛拉, 吉洛拉莫(1452-1498, 意大利宣教士和宗教改革家, 多明我会教士, 严格的禁欲主义者, 以强烈抨击道德败坏和腐化而广受欢迎, 成为佛罗伦萨事实上的统治者[1494-1495], 但于1597年被逐出教会, 后被作为异教徒处死)。