- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat恐惧, 害怕:
drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby's murder
一名出租车司机遭谋杀后, 司机们出于恐惧都威胁要辞职
fear of increasing unemployment
count noun he is prey to irrational fears.他常常会莫名其妙地感到恐惧。
- archaic a mixed feeling of dread and reverence〈古〉敬畏:
the love and fear of God.
- count noun
fear for
a feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something or the safety and well-being of someone(对某事的结果或对某人的安全和安康的)担心, 担忧: police launched a hunt for the family amid fears for their safety.
出于对那一家人安全的担心, 警方发起了搜寻他们的行动。
- the likelihood of something unwelcome happening(坏事发生的)可能性:
she could observe the other guests without too much fear of attracting attention.
- be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening害怕, 畏惧:
I hated him but didn't fear him any more
我恨他, 但不再怕他
with clause farmers fear that they will lose business.农场主害怕会丢掉生意。
- no obj.
fear for
feel anxiety or apprehension on behalf of替(或为)…担心(或担忧): I fear for the city with this madman let loose in it.
让这个疯子在城里自由活动, 我真为这座城市担心。
- with infinitive avoid or put off doing something because one is afraid(因恐惧、害怕而)避免(做某事); 推迟(做某事):
they aim to make war so horrific that potential aggressors will fear to resort to it.
他们的目的在于渲染战争的恐怖性, 使潜在的侵略者不敢诉诸武力。
- used to express regret or apology用以表示遗憾或歉意恐怕:
I shall buy her book, though not, I fear, the hardback version.
我要买她的书, 但恐怕不会买精装本。
- archaic regard (God) with reverence and awe〈古〉敬畏(上帝)。
for fear of(或 that)
- to avoid the risk of (or that)以免, 生怕:
no one dared refuse the order for fear of losing their job.
因为怕丢掉工作, 没人敢违抗命令。
never fear
- used to reassure someone[用来使人消除疑虑]不用怕, 别担心:
we shall meet again, never fear.
我们还会见面的, 别担心。
no fear
- Brit. informal used as an emphatic expression of denial or refusal〈英, 非正式〉[用以表示否认或拒绝]绝不, 当然不:
'Are you coming with me?' 'No fear - it's too exciting here.'
put the fear of God in (或 into)someone
- cause someone to be very frightened恐吓某人。
without fear or favour
- impartially公正地, 公平地:
take all your decisions without fear or favour.