1- a thing that is indisputably the case无可争辩的真实事情, 事实:
she lacks political experience - a fact that becomes clear when she appears in public
她缺乏政治经验, 这一事实在她公开露面时表露无遗
mass noun a body of fact.大量的事实。
the fact that
used in discussing the significance of something that is the case用于探讨真实事情的意义…这一事实:the real problem facing them is the fact that their funds are being cut.
- (一般作facts)a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article(用作证据的或新闻报道中的)依据。
- mass noun chiefly Law the truth about events as opposed to interpretation【主律】真相, 实际情况, 真实性:
there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter.
至于他们是否真的收到了那封信, 尚有疑问。
before(或 after)the fact
- before (or after) the committing of a crime作案前(或后):
an accessory before the fact.
a fact of life
- something that must be accepted as true and unchanging, even if it is unpleasant(必须接受的)客观事实; 无法改变的事实:
it is a fact of life that young girls write horrible things about people in their diaries.
facts and figures
- precise details精确的细节。
the facts of life
- information about sexual functions and practices, especially as given to children(尤指对儿童讲的)性知识。
the fact of the matter
- the truth真相, 事实。
in (point of) fact
- used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted[尤用于强调与期望或说法相反的说辞的真相]事实上, 实际上:
the subjects appear off-guard, but the photographer has in fact got them to pose.
照片中人看上去像是偷拍来的, 但实际是摄影师让他们摆了姿势的。
late 15th cent.: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere 'do'. The original sense was 'an act or feat', later 'bad deed, a crime', surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses ('truth, reality') dates from the late 16th cent.