1- variant form of on to (see ON).同on to (见ON).
- Mathematics expressing the relationship of a set to its image under a mapping when every element of the image set has an inverse image in the first set【数】映射到的:
as modifier an onto mapping.映射法绘图。
The preposition onto written as one word (instead of on to) is recorded from the early 18th century and has been widely used ever since, but is still not wholly accepted as part of standard British English (unlike into, for example). Many style guides still advise writing it as two words, and that is the practice followed in this dictionary. However, onto is more or less the standard form in US English and in the specialized mathematics sense. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a distinction between the preposition onto or on to and the use of the adverb on followed by the preposition to: she climbed on to (or onto) the roof but let's go on to (not onto) the next point.