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Euler1, Leonhard (1707-83), Swiss mathematician. Euler attempted to elucidate the nature of functions, and his study of infinite series led his successors, notably Abel and Cauchy, to introduce ideas of convergence and rigorous argument into mathematics. 欧拉, 伦哈德(1707-1783, 瑞士数学家; 他尝试阐述函数的性质, 他对无穷级数的研究使得阿贝尔和柯西等他的后继者能将收敛和严格自变量概念引入数学)。
Euler2, Ulf Svante von (1905-83), Swedish physiologist, the son of Hans Euler-Chelpin. He was the first to discover a prostaglandin, which he isolated from semen. Euler also identified noradrenaline as the principal chemical neurotransmitter of the sympathetic nervous system. Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (1970). 奥伊勒, 乌尔夫·冯(1905-1983, 瑞典生理学家, 汉斯·奥伊勒-凯尔平之子。他从精液中离析出前列腺素, 是前列腺素的首位发现者。他还发现去甲肾上腺素是交感神经系统的主要化学神经传递素。1970年获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)。