/siːn/- the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs or occurred(事件或故事的)发生地点; 现场:
the emergency team were among the first on the scene
relatives left floral tributes at the scene of the crash.
- a place, with the people, objects, and events in it, regarded as having a particular character or making a particular impression场面:
a scene of carnage.
- a landscape景色; 景象:
thick snow had turned the scene outside into a picture postcard.
- an incident of a specified nature(特殊)事件:
there had already been some scenes of violence.
- a place or representation of an incident情景:
scenes of 1930s America.
- with adj. or noun modifier a specified area of activity or interest活动领域; 兴趣领域:
one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.
- (一般作the scene)informal a social environment frequented predominantly by homosexuals〈非正式〉同性恋者常去的社交场所:
I don't go out into the scene now.
- usu. in sing. a public display of emotion or anger当众吵闹, 发脾气:
she was loath to make a scene in the office.
- a sequence of continuous action in a play, film, opera, or book(戏剧、电影或故事等中的)一段情节:
a scene from the classic movie Casablanca.
- a subdivision of an act of a play in which the time is continuous and the setting fixed and which does not usually involve a change of characters(戏剧的)一场:
beginning at Act One, Scene One.
- mass noun [usu. as modifier] the pieces of scenery used in a play or opera(戏剧)布景:
scene changes.
behind the scenes
- out of sight of the public at a theatre or organization在后台; 在幕后。
- figurative secretly〈喻〉秘密地, 不公开地:
diplomatic manoeuvres going on behind the scenes.
change of scene
- a move to different surroundings改换环境。
come(或appear 或arrive)on the scene
- arrive; appear到场; 出现。
hit the scene
- informal way of saying come on the scene above.〈非正式〉 同come on the scene.
make the scene
- US way of saying come on the scene above.〈美〉 同come on the scene.
not one's scene
- informal not something one enjoys or is interested in〈非正式〉非某人的兴趣所在:
as for that job you mention, not my scene.
至于你提到的工作, 我不感兴趣。
set the scene
- describe a place or situation in which something is about to happen作事前的现场(或情况)描述。
- create the conditions for a future event(为未来的事情)作准备:
she jumped a flawless round and set the scene for a hair-raising jump-off.
她无可挑剔地跳完一轮, 为最后惊心动魄的一跳创造了条件。