no obj.
1- (of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop(植物, 叶, 花)枯萎, 凋谢。
- (of a person) lose one's energy or vigour(人)变得萎靡不振, 变得无精打采。
- with obj. leave (mown grass or a forage crop) in the open to dry partially before being collected for silage(青贮前)将(割的草、饲料作物)晒成半干。
mass noun[usu. with modifier]
- any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by wilting of the foliage萎蔫病。
late 17th cent. (originally dialect): perhaps an alteration of dialect welk 'lose freshness', of Low German origin.