

单词 Wilson


Wilson1, Sir Angus (Frank Johnstone) (1913-91), English novelist and short-story writer. His works display his satiric wit, acute social observation, and a love of the macabre and the farcical. Notable novels: The Old Men at the Zoo (1961).
威尔逊, 安格斯(·弗兰克·约翰斯通)爵士(1913-1991, 英国长篇和短篇小说家; 其作品表现出讽刺的机智, 敏锐的社会观察力, 以及对恐怖和闹剧的喜爱; 代表作品:《动物园里的老人》[1961])。


Wilson2, Charles Thomson Rees (1869-1959), Scottish physicist. He is chiefly remembered for inventing the cloud chamber, which became a major tool of particle physicists. Nobel Prize for Physics (1927).
威尔逊, 查尔斯·汤姆森·瑞斯(1869-1959, 苏格兰物理学家; 主要以发明粒子物理学家主要研究工具的云室而闻名; 1927年获诺贝尔物理学奖)。


Wilson3, Edmund (1895-1972), American critic, essayist, and short-story writer. He is remembered chiefly for works of literary and social criticism which include Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War (1962).
威尔逊, 埃德蒙(1895-1972, 美国评论家、散文家、短篇小说家; 主要以文学和社会评论著称, 著有《爱国者戈尔: 美国南北战争时期文学研究》[1962])。


Wilson4, Edward Osborne (b.1929), American social biologist. He has worked principally on social insects, extrapolating his findings to the social behaviour of other animals including humans. Notable works: Sociobiology: the New Synthesis (1975).
威尔逊, 爱德华·奥斯本(生于1929年, 美国社会生物学家; 主要研究社会昆虫, 并从他的发现推断出包括人类在内的其他动物的社会行为; 代表作品:《社会生物学: 新的综合》[1975])。


Wilson5, (James) Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx (1916-95), British Labour statesman, Prime Minister 1964-70 and 1974-6. In both terms of office he faced severe economic problems. His government introduced a number of social reforms, including comprehensive schooling, and renegotiated Britain's terms of entry into the European Economic Community, which was confirmed after a referendum in 1975.
威尔逊, (詹姆士·)哈罗德, 里沃的威尔逊男爵(1916-1995, 英国工党政治家、首相[1964-1970; 1974-1976]; 在两届任期内都面临严重的经济问题; 他领导下的政府采取了一系列的社会改革, 包括综合教育、重新商议英国加入欧共体的条款, 这些条款于1975年在全民公决后得以确认)。


Wilson6, John Tuzo (1908-93), Canadian geophysicist. Wilson was a pioneer in the study of plate tectonics, introducing the term plate in this context and identifying transform faults.
威尔逊, 约翰·图佐(1908-1993, 加拿大地球物理学家, 是研究板块构造论的先驱, 首次提出“板块”这一说法并发现了转换断层)。


Wilson7, (Thomas) Woodrow (1856-1924), American Democratic statesman, 28th President of the US 1913-21. He eventually took America into First World War in 1917 and played a leading role in the peace negotiations and the formation of the League of Nations. Nobel Peace Prize (1919).
威尔逊, (托马斯·)伍德罗(1856-1924, 美国民主党政治家、第28任总统[1913-1921]; 1917年领导美国参加第一次世界大战, 在和平会谈和建立国际联盟方面发挥了主要作用; 获1919年诺贝尔和平奖)。




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