

单词 Edward


the name of six kings of England and also one of Great Britain and Ireland and one of the United Kingdom
Edward Ⅰ (1239-1307), son of Henry Ⅲ, reigned 1272-1307; known as the Hammer of the Scots. His campaign against Prince Llewelyn ended with the annexation of Wales in 1284, but he failed to conquer Scotland, where resistance was led by Sir William Wallace and later Robert the Bruce.
爱德华一世(1239-1307, 亨利三世之子, 1272-1307在位, 通称“苏格兰大锤”; 他对卢埃林王子的征战以1284年合并威尔士而告终, 但在威廉姆· 华莱士爵士及后来的布鲁斯家族的罗伯特领导的抗击下, 他未能占领苏格兰)。
Edward Ⅱ (1284-1327), son of Edward Ⅰ, reigned 1307-27. In 1314 he was defeated by Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn. In 1326 Edward's wife, Isabella of France, and her lover, Roger de Mortimer, invaded England; Edward was deposed in favour of his son and murdered.
爱德华二世(1284-1327, 爱德华一世之子, 1307-1327在位, 1314年在班诺克本被布鲁斯家族的罗伯特击败; 1326年其妻法国的伊莎贝拉伙同情夫罗杰·德·莫蒂默入侵英格兰, 爱德华二世被废黜, 其子继位, 之后被谋杀)。
Edward Ⅲ (1312-77), son of Edward Ⅱ, reigned 1327-77. In 1330 he took control of his kingdom, banish-ing Isabella and executing Mortimer. He supported Edward de Baliol, the pretender to the Scottish throne, and started the Hundred Years War.
爱德华三世(1312-1377, 爱德华二世之子, 1327-1377在位; 1330年他控制了王国放逐了伊莎贝拉, 处死莫蒂默, 他支持觊觎苏格兰王位的爱德华·德·巴利奥尔, 并挑起百年战争)。
Edward Ⅳ (1442-83), son of Richard, Duke of York, reigned 1461-83. He became king after defeating the Lancastrian Henry Ⅵ. Edward was briefly forced into exile in 1470-1 by the Earl of Warwick but regained his position with victory at Tewkesbury in 1471.
爱德华四世(1442-1483, 约克公爵, 理查德之子, 1461-1483在位, 他在击败兰开斯特家族的亨利六世后成为国王; 曾于1470-1471年间被沃里克伯爵短暂放逐, 1471年蒂克斯伯里胜利后恢复王位)。
Edward Ⅴ (1470-c.1483), son of Edward Ⅳ, reigned 1483 but not crowned. Edward and his brother Richard (known as the Princes in the Tower) were probably murdered and the throne was taken by their uncle, Richard Ⅲ.
爱德华五世(1470-约1483, 爱德华四世之子, 1483在位, 但未加冕; 爱德华与其弟理查德[通称“塔中王子”]可能被谋杀, 其叔父理查三世篡位)。
Edward Ⅵ (1537-53), son of Henry Ⅷ, reigned 1547-53. His reign saw the establishment of Protestantism as the state religion.
爱德华六世(1537-1553, 亨利八世之子, 1547-1553在位, 其间新教成为国教)。
Edward Ⅶ (1841-1910), son of Queen Victoria, reigned 1901-10. Although he played little part in government on coming to the throne, his popularity helped revitalize the monarchy.
爱德华七世(1841-1910, 维多利亚女王之子, 1901-1910在位, 尽管在位期间他在政府中起的作用甚微, 他所受的爱戴有助于君主政体的复兴)。
Edward Ⅷ (1894-1972), son of George Ⅴ, reigned 1936 but not crowned. Edward abdicated eleven months after coming to the throne in order to marry the American divorcee Mrs Wallis Simpson.
爱德华八世(1894-1972, 乔治五世之子, 1936在位, 但未加冕; 他为和离婚美国妇女沃利斯·辛普森夫人结婚而在登基11个月之后退位)。




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