with obj.
1- clean out the bed of (a harbour, river, or other area of water) by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish with a dredge(用挖泥船)疏浚(港湾、河道等水域)。
- bring up or clear (something) from a river, harbour, or other area of water with a dredge挖掘; 捞取:
mud was dredged out of the harbour
no obj. they start to dredge for oysters in November.他们从十一月开始采捞牡蛎。
dredge something up
figurative bring to people's attention an unpleasant or embarrassing fact or incident that had been forgotten〈喻〉揭(疮疤); 翻(旧账):I don't understand why you had to dredge up this story.
- an apparatus for bringing up objects or mud from a river or seabed by scooping or dragging挖掘机; 挖泥船。
late 15th cent. (as a noun; originally in dredge-boat): perhaps related to Middle Dutch dregghe 'grappling hook'.
with obj.
- sprinkle (food) with a powdered substance, typically flour or sugar把面粉(或糖粉等)撒在(食物)上:
dredge the bananas with sugar and cinnamon.
late 16th cent.: from obsolete dredge 'sweetmeat, mixture of spices', from Old French dragie, perhaps via Latin from Greek tragēmata 'spices'. Compare with DRAGÉE.