- /dʌn/ John (1572-1631), English poet and preacher. A metaphysical poet, he is most famous for his Satires (c. 1590-9), Elegies (c. 1590-9), and love poems, which appeared in the collection Songs and Sonnets (undated). He also wrote religious poems and, as dean of St Paul's from 1621, was one of the most celebrated preachers of his age.多恩, 约翰(1572-1631, 英国诗人和传教士; 作为一位玄学诗人, 他最著名的作品是收录于诗集《歌与短歌》[日期不明]中的《讽刺诗》[约1590-1599]、《挽歌》[约1590-1599]和爱情诗。他也撰写宗教诗歌, 自1621年起任圣保罗大教堂的教长, 是当时最有名的传教士之一)。