- pass the tongue over (something), typically in order to taste, moisten, or clean it舔尝, 舔湿(或舔净):
he licked the stamp and stuck it on the envelope
他舔了一下邮票, 把它贴在信封上
no obj. he licked at his damaged hand with his tongue.他用舌头舔了舔受伤的手。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction figurative (of a flame, wave, or breeze) move lightly and quickly like a tongue〈喻〉(火舌)吞卷; (波浪)轻拍, 轻卷; (微风)撩, 轻拂:
the flames licked around the wood.
- informal overcome (a person or problem) decisively〈非正式〉战胜(人, 难题):
all right Mary, I know when I'm licked
行了, 玛丽, 受挫时我自会知道的
the Chancellor said that the government had inflation licked.
- beat or thrash揍, 打败:
she stands tall and could lick any man in the place.
她个头高高的, 要说打架的话, 那地方没有一个男人是她的对手。
lick someone/thing down
W. Indian cut or knock someone or something down〈西印度〉砍倒, 击倒。
- an act of licking something with the tongue舔:
Sammy gave his fingers a long lick.
- figurative a quick movement of flame, water, etc. resembling this〈喻〉(火舌)吞卷; (波浪)轻拍, 轻卷; (微风)撩, 轻拂。
- informal a light coating or quick application of something, especially paint〈非正式〉薄薄的一层; 快速的涂抹(尤指油漆):
all she'd need to do to the kitchen was give it a lick of paint.
- in sing. [usu. with negative] US an extremely small amount of something abstract〈美〉(抽象事物的)极少量:
there's not a lick of suspense in the entire plot.
- (常作 licks)informal a short phrase or solo in jazz or popular music〈非正式〉(爵士乐或流行音乐中的)小过门:
cool guitar licks.
- informal a smart blow〈非正式〉狠狠的一击:
his mother gave him several licks for daring to blaspheme.
at a lick
- informal at a fast pace; with considerable speed〈非正式〉快速, 迅速。
a lick and a promise
- informal a hasty performance of a task, especially of cleaning something〈非正式〉草率从事(尤指清洗工作)。
lick someone's boots(或 〈粗俚〉 arse)
- be excessively obsequious towards someone, especially to gain favour from them.死命地拍马奉承。
lick someone/thing into shape
lick one's lips(或 chops)
- look forward to something with eager anticipation急切地盼望; (对…)馋涎欲滴。
lick one's wounds
- retire to recover one's strength or confidence after a defeat or humiliating experience(失败或受辱后)休养生息, 养精蓄锐, 恢复元气:
the political organization he worked for was licking its wounds after electoral defeat.
他所在的政治组织在竞选失利后正在休养生息, 以图恢复元气。
not be able to do something a lick
- US informal be totally incompetent at the specified activity〈美, 非正式〉完全无法做,对…一窍不通:
I wasn't able to sing a lick.