Dionysius Exiguus
/ɪgˈzɪgjʊəs/- (died c.556) , Scythian monk and scholar. He is famous for introducing the system of dates BC and AD that is still in use today, accepting 753 AUC as the year of the Incarnation; this has since been shown to be mistaken. He is said to have taken the nickname Exiguus ('little') as a sign of humility.(小)狄奥尼西(约卒于556年, 锡西厄的僧侣和学者。他因引进了一直沿用至今的公元前后的日期系统而闻名, 并将罗马纪元753年作为基督的生年, 这已被表明是错误的; 据说他为表谦卑用了Exiguus[小]的别名)。