/əkˈsept/- consent to receive (a thing offered)接受; 收受:
he accepted a pen as a present.
- agree to undertake (an offered position or responsibility)同意承担(职位, 责任)。
- give an affirmative answer to (an offer or proposal); say yes to同意(帮助, 提议); 认可:
he would accept their offer and see what happened
他会接受他们的提议, 然后看会发生什么情况
no obj. Tim offered Brian a lift home and he accepted.蒂姆提出开车送布莱恩回家, 布莱恩同意了。
- dated say yes to a proposal of marriage from (a man)〈旧〉答应(男子)的求婚:
Reginald was a good match and she ought to accept him.
雷金纳德是个好对象, 她应该答应嫁给他。
- receive as adequate, valid, or suitable(认为恰当、有效或合适而)接受; 接纳:
the college accepted her as a student
credit cards are widely accepted.
- regard favourably or with approval; welcome赞许; 承认; 欢迎:
the Irish literati never accepted him as one of them.
- agree to meet (a draft or bill of exchange) by signing it承兑(汇票)。
- (of a thing) be designed to allow (something) to be inserted or applied(被设计成)可插入(或使用):
vending machines that accepted 100-yen coins for cans of beer.
- believe or come to recognize (a proposition) as valid or correct相信; 认为正确:
this tentative explanation came to be accepted by the men
with clause it is accepted that ageing is a continuous process人们相信老化是个连续的过程
as adj. accepted he wasn't handsome in the accepted sense.他不是那种寻常意义上的英俊。
- be prepared to subscribe to (a belief or philosophy)有接受(信仰, 哲学)的心理准备:
accept the tenets of the Episcopalian faith.
- take upon oneself (a responsibility or liability); acknowledge担当(责任, 义务); 承认:
Jenkins is willing to accept his responsibility
with clause he accepts that he made a mistake.他承认他犯了个错。
- tolerate or submit to (something unpleasant or undesired)容忍, 忍受; 顺从(不愉快或令人失望的事):
they accepted the need to cut overheads.