Denis, St
/ˈdenɪs, 〈法〉dəni/(亦作Denys)
- (died c.250) , Italian-born French bishop, patron saint of France; Roman name Dionysius. According to tradition he was one of a group of seven missionaries sent from Rome to convert Gaul; he became bishop of Paris and was martyred in the reign of the emperor Valerian. Feast day, 9 October.圣德尼(约卒于公元250年, 出生于意大利的法国籍主教, 法国的主保圣人, 拉丁语名狄奥尼修斯, 传说是被罗马派去教化高卢的七教士团成员之一, 后成为巴黎主教, 在瓦莱里安皇帝统治时期殉教; 宗教节日10月9日)。