/ˈdiːdələs/- Greek Mythology a craftsman, considered the inventor of carpentry, who is said to have built the labyrinth for Minos, king of Crete. Minos imprisoned him and his son Icarus, but they escapedusing wings which Daedalus made and fastened with wax. Icarus, however, flew too near the sun and was killed.【希腊神话】代达罗斯(工匠, 被认为是木工始祖, 据说为克里特王弥罗斯建造迷宫, 弥罗斯囚禁了他和他的儿子伊卡洛斯, 但是他们用代达罗斯制作并以蜡粘牢的翅膀逃出, 伊卡洛斯因飞离太阳太近被摔死)。