- having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level(表面)不平滑的; 粗糙的; 不平整的, 不平坦的:
take a square of sandpaper, rough side out.
取一张方形砂纸, 粗糙的那面朝外。
- (of ground or terrain) having many bumps or other obstacles; difficult to cross(地面, 地形)高低不平的, 崎岖的; 难通行的, 难以穿越的:
they had to carry the victim across the rough, stony ground.
- not soft to the touch粗的, 粗糙的:
her skin felt dry and rough.
- (of a voice) coming out with difficulty so as to sound harsh and rasping(声音)粗哑的, 刺耳的, 不悦耳的:
his voice was rough with barely suppressed fury.
- (of wine or another alcoholic drink) sharp or harsh in taste(酒)涩味的; 烈性的。
- denoting the face of a tennis or squash racket on which the loops formed from the stringing process project (used as a call when the racket is spun to decide the right to serve first or to choose ends)(网球或软式墙网球拍)粗面的, 反面的(用作呼语, 比赛开始前转动球拍, 以确定何方先发球或何方可优先选择半场)。
- (of a person or their behaviour) not gentle; violent or boisterous(人或其行为)粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 粗俗的:
pushchairs should be capable of withstanding rough treatment.
- (of an area or occasion) characterized by or notorious for the occurrence of violent behaviour(地方, 场合)混乱的; 暴乱的:
the workmen hate going to the rough estates.
- (of the sea) having large and dangerous waves(海)波涛汹涌的:
the lifeboat crew braved rough seas to rescue a couple.
- (of weather) wild and stormy(天气)有暴风雨的。
- informal difficult and unpleasant〈非正式〉难受的; 不愉快的:
the teachers gave me a rough time because my image didn't fit.
由于我的形象不符合要求, 老师们让我吃了点苦头。
- Brit. informal hard; severe〈英, 非正式〉艰难的, 艰巨的; 严峻的:
the first day of a job is rough on everyone.
- as complement informal unwell〈非正式〉(身体)不舒服的, 生病的:
the altitude had hit her and she was feeling rough.
海拔高度对她有影响, 她感到不舒服。
- as complement informal depressed and anxious〈非正式〉沮丧的, 消沉的; 焦虑的:
when he's feeling rough, he comes and talks things over to calm him down.
当他感到焦虑不安时, 他会过来把事情彻底地议一下使自己平静下来。
- not finished tidily or decoratively; plain and basic未完成的; 未加工的; 粗制的; 简易的; 基本的:
the customers sat at rough wooden tables.
- put together without the proper materials or skill; makeshift粗制的; 临时代用的:
he had one arm in a rough sling.
- (of hair or fur) not well cared for or tidy(毛发)粗硬的; 蓬乱的:
the creature's body was covered with rough hair.
- lacking sophistication or refinement粗俗的; 不讲究的:
she took care of him in her rough, kindly way.
- not worked out or correct in every detail初步的; 粗率的; 粗略的:
he had a rough draft of his new novel.
- (of stationery) used or designed to be used for making preliminary notes(文具)用以打草稿的:
rough paper.
- informal in a manner that lacks gentleness; harshly or violently〈非正式〉粗糙地; 粗略地; 粗暴地; 粗野地:
treat 'em rough but treat 'em fair.
- chiefly Brit. a disreputable and violent person〈主英〉名声不好的人; 不诚实的人; 粗人, 莽汉; 流氓; 暴徒。
- mass noun(on a golf course) longer grass around the fairway and the green(高尔夫球场上设在平坦球道和球穴区周围的)深草区:
his second shot was in the rough on the left.
- a preliminary sketch for a design草样, 草图:
I did a rough to work out the scale of the lettering.
- an uncut precious stone未加工的宝石。
- work or shape (something) in a rough, preliminary fashion粗制, 对…粗加工:
flat surfaces of wood are roughed down.
rough something out
produce a preliminary and unfinished sketch or version of something草拟; 画…的轮廓; 拟出…的梗概:the engineer roughed out a diagram on his notepad.
- make uneven or ruffled使不平; 弄皱; 把…弄毛糙:
rough up the icing with a palette knife
the water was roughed by the wind.
rough it
live in discomfort with only basic necessities因陋就简地生活:she had had to rough it alone in digs.
bit of rough
- informal a male sexual partner whose toughness or lack of sophistication is a source of attraction〈非正式〉(以强壮和粗犷吸引人的)男性性伙伴。
in the rough
- in a natural state; without decoration or other treatment自然状态的; 未加工的; 原始的; 粗糙的:
a diamond in the rough.
- in difficulties在困境中:
even before the recession hit, the project was in the rough.
甚至在遭受经济衰退袭击之前, 这个项目已经处于困境了。
rough and ready
- crude but effective粗糙但有效的, 粗糙但尚能顶用的:
a rough-and-ready estimating method.
- (of a person or place) unsophisticated or unrefined(人)不懂世故的; 粗俗的; 粗犷的; (地方)简陋的。
rough around the edges
- having a few imperfections有缺点的, 有瑕疵的。
rough as bags
- Austral./NZ informal lacking refinement; coarse〈澳/新西兰, 非正式〉缺少教养的; 粗鄙的; 鄙俗的。
the rough edge(或side)of one's tongue
- a scolding痛骂; 辱骂:
you two stop quarrelling or you'll get the rough edge of my tongue.
你们俩别争吵了, 否则你们要挨我的痛骂。
rough edges
- small imperfections in someone or something that is basically satisfactory小的瑕疵。
rough justice
- treatment that is not scrupulously fair or in accordance with the law大致公平合理的处置。
rough passage
- a journey over rough sea波涛汹涌的航程。
- a difficult process of achieving something or of becoming successful艰难的历程:
the rough passage faced by the legislation.
a rough ride
- a difficult time or experience艰难时期; 艰难进程; 艰难经历:
rebel shareholders are expected to give officials a rough ride.
rough stuff
- boisterous or violent behaviour喧闹的行为; 粗鲁的行为, 暴力行为。
sleep rough
- Brit. sleep in uncomfortable conditions, typically out of doors〈英〉睡得难受(尤指露宿)。
take the rough with the smooth
- accept the difficult or unpleasant aspects of life as well as the good既能享乐也能吃苦; 好事和坏事都受得了。
nounrough someone up
- informal beat someone up〈非正式〉用暴力对待, 向…动粗; 狠揍。