/ˈkjuːbə/- a Caribbean country, the largest and furthest west of the islands of the West Indies, situated at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico; pop. 11,451,700 (est. 2009); official language, Spanish; capital, Havana.古巴(加勒比海国家, 西印度群岛诸岛中最大和最西面的一个岛屿, 位于墨西哥湾的出口处; 2009年估计人口11,451,700; 官方语言为西班牙语; 首都哈瓦那)。
A Spanish colony, Cuba became nominally independent after the Spanish-American War of 1898, achieving full autonomy in 1934. Fidel Castro led a communist revolution in 1959, and held the presidency until replaced by his brother Raúl Castro in 2008. The country has suffered under a US trade embargo and, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, lost much of its trade.