- a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc. for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases(金属、塑料、玻璃等材料制的)管, 管子:
a plastic tube is connected to the tap and the beer is ready to be pulled.
笼头上接了根塑料管子, 这样啤酒就可以随时汲取出来了。
- the inner tube of a bicycle tyre自行车内胎。
- mass noun material in such a cylindrical form; tubing管料; 管形材料:
the firm manufactures steel tube for a wide variety of applications.
- a thing in the form of or resembling such a cylinder, in particular管状物, 尤指:
- a flexible metal or plastic container sealed at one end and having a screw cap at the other, for holding a semi-liquid substance ready for use(一头密封, 一头有螺旋盖, 装半流质的)软金属管, 塑料管:
a tube of toothpaste.
- a rigid cylindrical container圆柱形硬管:
a tube of Smarties.
- Austral. informal a can of beer〈澳, 非正式〉一听啤酒:
a tube of lager.
- usu. with adj. or noun modifier Anatomy, Zoology, & Botany a hollow cylindrical organ or structure in an animal body or in a plant (e.g. a Eustachian tube, a sieve tube)【剖, 动, 植】管状器官, 管(如咽鼓管、筛管)。
informal a woman's Fallopian tubes〈非正式〉输卵管:women with blocked tubes.
- a woman's close-fitting garment, typically without darts or other tailoring and made from a single piece of knitted or elasticated fabric紧身女衣:
as modifier stretchy tube skirts.弹性紧身筒裙。
- (in surfing) the hollow curve under the crest of a breaking wave(冲浪用语)(散浪头下的)空心浪。
- informal a cigarette〈非正式〉香烟。
- Brit. informal (the tube) the underground railway system in London〈英, 非正式〉伦敦地铁:
it wasn't far from where he lived, just a stop further on the tube.
那离他住的地方不远, 多坐一站地铁就到了。
- a train running on this system地铁列车:
I caught the tube home.
- a sealed container, typically of glass and either evacuated or filled with gas, containing two electrodes between which an electric current can be made to flow电子管, 真空管(尤指真空或充气的玻璃管, 内含两个电极, 其间可有电流通过)。
- a cathode ray tube, especially in a television set阴极射线管, 电视显像管。
the tube
N. Amer. informal television〈北美, 非正式〉电视:watching the tube in a country bar.
- N. Amer. a thermionic valve〈北美〉热离子管。
- usu. as adj. tubed provide with a tube or tubes给…装上管子:
in combination a giant eight-tubed hookah.巨型八管水烟筒。
- informal fit (a person or animal) with a tube to assist breathing, especially after a laryngotomy〈非正式〉(给做过喉剖开术的人或动物)插管(以助呼吸)。
- with adverbial convey in a tube用管道运输。
tube it
Brit. informal travel on the Tube〈英, 非正式〉乘地铁:we tubed it back to Queensway
no obj. I tubed to St Pancras.我乘地铁去的圣潘克拉斯。
go down the tube(或tubes)
- informal be completely lost or wasted; fail utterly〈非正式〉一败涂地, 完全失败:
the country is going slowly and surely down the tubes.