- a mark, object, or figure formed by two short intersecting lines or pieces (+ or ×)十字形(或叉形)记号; 十字形(或叉形)物:
place a cross against the preferred choice.
- Brit. a mark of this type (×) used to show that something is incorrect or unsatisfactory〈英〉叉(×)(用以表示错误的或不满意的符号)。
- an upright post with a transverse bar, as used in antiquity for crucifixion(古代处酷刑用的)十字架。
the Cross
the cross on which Christ was crucified(耶稣受难的)十字架。
- this, or a representation of it, as an emblem of Christianity(作为基督教标志的)十字架:
she wore a cross around her neck.
- figurative a thing that is unavoidable and has to be endured〈喻〉苦难, 磨难:
she's just a cross we have to bear.
- a staff surmounted by a cross carried in religious processions and on ceremonial occasions before an archbishop(大主教携带的)十字杖。
- a cross-shaped decoration awarded for personal valour or indicating rank in some orders of knighthood(因英勇而授予的或表示骑士地位的)十字勋章:
the Military Cross.
- an animal or plant resulting from cross-breeding; a hybrid(动、植物的)杂种:
a Galloway and shorthorn cross.
a cross between
a mixture or compromise of two things混合物; 折中物:the system is a cross between a monorail and a conventional railway.
- a sideways or transverse movement or pass, in particular侧向(或横向)的移动(或传球), 尤指:
- Soccer a pass of the ball across the field towards the centre close to one's opponents' goal【英足】横传。
- Boxing a blow given with a crosswise movement of the fist【拳击】钩拳迎击:
a right cross
- go or extend across or to the other side of (a path, track, stretch of water, or area)穿过; 横过; 渡过:
he has crossed the Atlantic twice
two paths crossed the field
figurative 〈喻〉a shadow of apprehension crossed her face
no obj. we crossed over the bridge.我们过了桥。
- go across or climb over (an obstacle or boundary)爬过; 越过(障碍物或边界):
he attempted to cross the border into Jordan
no obj. we crossed over a stile.我们从篱侧的台阶上爬了过去。
- no obj.
cross over
(especially of an artist or an artistic style or work) begin to appeal to a different audience, especially a wider one(尤指艺术家或艺术作品或艺术风格)开始对另一类观众(或听众)产生吸引力(尤指更广泛的观众或听众), 跨界: a talented animator who crossed over to live action.
- no obj. pass in an opposite or different direction; intersect交叉, 相交:
the two lines cross at 90°.
- with obj. cause (two things) to intersect使交叉, 使相交:
cross the cables in opposing directions.
- with obj. place (something) crosswise将…摆放成十字形:
Michele sat back and crossed her arms.
米歇尔向后靠着坐, 将双手交叉着放在胸前。
- (of a letter) be dispatched before receipt of another from the person being written to(信)错过:
our letters crossed.
- draw a line or lines across; mark with a cross画横线于; 给…打叉:
voters should ask one question before they cross today's ballot paper.
- Brit. mark or annotate (a cheque), typically by drawing a pair of parallel lines across it, to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank account〈英〉在(支票)上画两条平行线(表示只能存入指定的银行账户)。
cross someone/thing off
delete a name or item on a list as being no longer required or involved把…划掉:Liz crossed off the days on the calendar.
cross something out/through
delete an incorrect or inapplicable word or phrase by drawing a line through it(用横线)划去, 划掉(不正确或不恰当的词或短语)。
cross oneself
(of a person) make the sign of the cross in front of one's chest as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection在胸前做画十字的动作(表示对上帝的崇敬或祈求神灵的保护)。
- Soccer pass (the ball) across the field towards the centre when attacking【英足】将(球)横传。
- cause (an animal of one species, breed, or variety) to interbreed with one of another species, breed, or variety使(动物)杂交:
many animals of the breed were crossed with the closely related Guernsey
figurative 〈喻〉he behaved like an old regular officer crossed with a mathematician.
- cross-fertilize (a plant)使(植物)杂交, 使异体(或异花)受精:
a hybrid tea was crossed with a polyantha rose.
- oppose or stand in the way of (someone)反对; 阻挠:
no one dared cross him.
- annoyed生气的; 恼怒的:
he seemed to be very cross about something.
as cross as two sticks
- Brit. very annoyed or irritated〈英〉非常生气的; 极其恼怒的。
at cross purposes
- misunderstanding or having different aims from one another相互误解; 意图(或目的)不同:
we had been talking at cross purposes.
cross one's fingers(或keep one's fingers crossed)
- put one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck(把一只手指与另一只手指交叉)祈求走运。
- hope that someone or something will be successful希望某人(或某事)获得成功。
cross the floor
- Brit. join the opposing side in Parliament〈英〉(在议会里)加入反对方。
cross my heart (and hope to die)
- used to emphasize the truthfulness and sincerity of what one is saying, and sometimes reinforced by making a sign of the cross over one's chest.千真万确(用于强调所说的话的真实性, 有时伴有在胸口画十字的动作)。
cross one's mind
- (of a thought) occur to one, especially transiently(念头)在某人脑海中闪过:
it had not crossed Flora's mind that they might need payment.
cross someone's palm with silver
- often humorous pay someone for a favour or service, especially before having one's fortune told〈常幽默〉(为所得到的帮助或服务, 尤指在请人算命前)付钱给某人。
cross someone's path
- meet or encounter someone遇见某人。
cross swords
- have an argument or dispute争论。
crossed line
- a telephone connection that has been wrongly made with the result that another call or calls can be heard(电话的)串线。
get one's wires (或lines)crossed
- become wrongly connected by telephone(电话)串线。
- have a misunderstanding发生误会。
the way of the Cross
- 见WAY.