truer, truest
- in accordance with fact or reality真实的, 符合实际情况的:
a true story
of course it's true
that is not true of the people I am talking about.
- attrib. rightly or strictly so called; genuine真的; 真正的; 非假冒的:
people are still willing to pay for true craftsmanship
we believe in true love.
- attrib. real or actual真实的, 实际的:
he has guessed my true intentions.
- said when conceding a point in argument or discussion的确, 真的(在争论、讨论中承认对方某一点有理时的用语):
true, it faced north, but you got used to that.
它的确朝北, 但你已经习惯了。
- accurate or exact精确的, 准确的:
it was a true depiction.
- (of a note) exactly in tune(曲调)合调的, 准确的。
- (of a compass bearing) measured relative to true north(罗盘方位)真北的, 以真北方为基准(测定)的:
steer 085 degrees true.
- correctly positioned, balanced, or aligned; upright or level准确定位的, 平衡的, 成一直线的; 挺直的, 水平的。
- loyal or faithful忠实的, 忠诚的:
he was a true friend.
- predic.
true to
accurately conforming to (a standard or expectation); faithful to符合标准的, 与预期相符的; 忠实的: this entirely new production remains true to the essence of Lorca's play.
- chiefly archaic honest〈主古〉诚实的, 正直的:
we appeal to all good men and true to rally to us.
- chiefly poetic/literary truly〈主诗/文〉真实地, 确实地:
Hobson spoke truer than he knew.
- accurately or without variation准确地。
- bring (an object, wheel, or other construction) into the exact shape or position required装准, 配准; 摆正。
come true
- actually happen or become the case实现, 成为事实:
dreams can come true.
out of true(或the true)
- not in the correct or exact shape or alignment不正, 歪斜:
take care not to pull the frame out of true.
many a true word is spoken in jest
- proverb a humorous remark not intended to be taken seriously may turn out to be accurate after all〈谚〉笑谈之中多真话。
true as Bob(或God)
- S. African informal absolutely true〈南非, 非正式〉绝对真实的:
true as Bob, I nearly went right through the windscreen.
真的, 我差点穿过挡风玻璃飞出去。
ORIGIN: Bob represents a euphemistic substitution of God, the idiom translating obsolete Afrikaans so waar as God.
true to form(或type)
- being or behaving as expected不出所料, 果不其然; 同平时一样:
true to type, they took it well.
不出所料, 他们很好地领会了其中的意思。
true to life
- accurately representing real events or objects符合生活真实的; 逼真的。