common law
mass noun
1- the part of English law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes普通法, 习惯法; 不成文法。常与STATUTE LAW 相对。
- the body of English law as adopted and adapted by the different States of the US(被美国各州采用并修改的)普通法; 英美法。比较CIVIL LAW.
- as modifier denoting a partner in a marriage recognized in some jurisdictions (excluding the UK) as valid by common law, though not brought about by a civil or ecclesiastical ceremony(配偶)事实婚姻关系中的, 普通法上的(英国不承认):
a common-law husband.
- as modifier denoting a partner in a relationship in which a man and woman cohabit for a period long enough to suggest stability(伴侣) 长期同居关系中的, 普通法上的