commoner, commonest
- occurring, found, or done often; prevalent一般的; 常见的; 通常的, 日常的; 普遍的:
salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings
it's common for a woman to be depressed after giving birth.
- (of an animal or plant) found or living in relatively large numbers; not rare(动植物)常见的; 多见的。
- ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without special rank or position普通的, 平凡的; 平民的; 无特殊级别(或地位)的:
the dwellings of common people
a common soldier.
- (of a quality) of a sort or level to be generally expected(品质)起码的:
common decency.
- of the most familiar type通俗的; 最常见的:
the common or vernacular name.
- denoting the most widespread or typical species of an animal or plant(动植物种类)分布最为广泛的; 最典型的:
the common gull.
- showing a lack of taste and refinement supposedly typical of the lower classes; vulgar庸俗的; 低级的; 粗俗的:
she's so common.
- shared by, coming from, or done by two or more people, groups, or things公共的; 共同的; 共为的:
the two republics' common border
problems common to both communities.
- belonging to, open to, or affecting the whole of a community or the public at large(社区, 公众)共有的; 公共的, 公用的; 共受影响的:
common land.
- Mathematics belonging to two or more quantities【数】公共的。
- Grammar【语法】(in Latin, Dutch, and certain other languages) of or denoting a gender of nouns that are conventionally regarded as masculine or feminine, contrasting with neuter(拉丁语、荷兰语和某些其他语言)(名词)阳性或阴性的, 非中性的。
- (in English) denoting a noun that refers to individuals of either sex (e.g. teacher)(英语)(名词)通性的(如teacher)。
- Prosody (of a syllable) able to be either short or long【诗韵】(音节)长短共通的。
- Law (of a crime) of lesser importance【律】(罪行)普通的; 轻度的:
common assault.
- a piece of open land for public use, especially in a village or town(尤指村镇的)公地。
- Brit. informal common sense〈英, 非正式〉常识。
- (in the Christian Church) a form of service used for each of a group of occasions(基督教教会适用于各种场合的)普通礼拜。
- (亦作right of common)English Law a person's right over another's land, e.g. for pasturage or mineral extraction【英格兰律】(对他人土地的)共同使用(或收益)权。
the common good
- the benefit or interests of all公益:
it is time our elected officials stood up for the common good.
common ground
- a point accepted or shared by each of two or more conflicting or differing parties(冲突矛盾双方或多方承认的)共同立论基础:
artists from different cultural backgrounds found common ground.
common knowledge
- something known by most people大多数人都知道的事, 众所周知之事; 常识。
common or garden
- Brit. informal of the usual or ordinary type〈英, 非正式〉平常的, 普通的, 平凡的:
Britain's common or garden house sparrow.
common property
- a thing or things held jointly共同财产; 公共财产。
- something known by most people大多数人都知道的事, 众所周知之事; 常识。
the common touch
- the ability to get on with or appeal to ordinary people平易近人的能力; 与普通人相处(或打动普通人)的能力。
have something in common
- have a specified amount or degree of shared interests or characteristics有共同之处(或兴趣、特征):
the two men had little in common.
in common
- in joint use or possession; shared共用; 共有, 公有:
a sect that had wives in common.
- Law held or owned by two or more people each having undivided possession but with distinct, separately transferable interests【律】共有。
in common with
- in the same way as与…一样, 与…相同:
in common with other officers I had to undertake guard duties.
和其他军官一样, 我不得不承担警戒任务。
out of the common
- Brit. rarely occurring; unusual〈英〉不平常的; 非同寻常的。