- a flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant种子, 籽。
- mass noun a quantity of these一定数量的种子:
grass seed
you can grow artichokes from seed.
- figurative the cause or latent beginning of a feeling, process, or condition〈喻〉原因; 萌芽:
the conversation sowed a tiny seed of doubt in his mind.
- mass noun archaic (chiefly in biblical use) a person's offspring or descendants〈古〉(主要用于圣经)子孙, 后代。
- mass noun a man's semen(人的)精子。
- (亦作seed crystal)a small crystal introduced into a liquid to act as a nucleus for crystallization晶粒, 晶种。
- a small container for radioactive material placed in body tissue during radiotherapy辐射管; 镭管。
- any of a number of stronger competitors in a sports tournament who have been assigned a specified position in an ordered list with the aim of ensuring that they do not play each other in the early rounds种子选手; 种子队:
he knocked the top seed out of the championships.
- with obj. sow (land) with seeds在(土地)上播种:
the shoreline is seeded with a special grass.
- sow (a particular kind of seed) on or in the ground播种(特定种子)。
- figurative cause (something) to begin to develop or grow〈喻〉使萌芽; 使发展:
his interest in public service was seeded when he was a child.
- place a crystal or crystalline substance in (something) in order to cause crystallization or condensation (especially in a cloud to produce rain)用晶粒物质使冷凝(结晶)(尤指促云化雨)。
- no obj.(of a plant) produce or drop seeds(植物)结籽; 脱籽:
mulches encourage many plants to seed freely.
seed itself
(of a plant) reproduce itself by means of its own seeds(植物)自播:feverfew will seed itself readily.
- with obj. remove the seeds from (vegetables or fruit)给(蔬菜, 水果)去籽:
stem and seed the chillies.
- with obj. give (a competitor) the status of seed in a tournament把(比赛选手)列为种子选手:
with obj. and complement Jeff Tarango, seeded five, was defeated by fellow American Todd Witsken.杰夫·特兰格, 第五号种子选手, 被他的美国同胞托德·威茨肯打败。
go (或run) to seed
(of a plant) cease flowering as the seeds develop(植物)落花结籽。■ deteriorate in condition, strength, or efficiency(状况)恶化; (力量, 效率)下降:Mark knows he has allowed himself to go to seed. 马克知道他已经自甘堕落了。