- a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use试验; 测试:
no sparking was visible during the tests
mass noun four fax modems are on test.四台传真(格式)调制解调器正在调试中。
- a short written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge测验; 考查:
a spelling test.
- an event or situation that reveals the strength or quality of someone or something by putting them under strain考验; 检验:
this is the first serious test of the peace agreement.
- an examination of part of the body or a body fluid for medical purposes, especially by means of a chemical or mechanical procedure rather than simple inspection化验; 检查:
a test for HIV
eye tests.
- Chemistry a procedure employed to identify a substance or to reveal the presence or absence of a constituent within a substance【化】化验法。
- the result of a medical examination or analytical procedure化验结果:
a positive test for protein.
- a means of establishing whether an action, item, or situation is an instance of a specified quality, especially one held to be undesirable准则, 标准:
a statutory test of obscenity.
- short for TEST MATCH.TEST MATCH的简称。
- Metallurgy a movable hearth in a reverberating furnace, used for separating gold or silver from lead【冶】烤钵, 灰皿。
- take measures to check the quality, performance, or reliability of (something), especially before putting it into widespread use or practice试验; 测试:
this range has not been tested on animals
as noun testing the testing and developing of prototypes原型的测试和研制
figurative〈喻〉a useful way to test out ideas before implementation.
- reveal the strengths or capabilities of (someone or something) by putting them under strain考验:
such behaviour would severely test any marriage
as adj. testing a testing time ahead.未来的考验期。
- give (someone) a short written or oral examination of their proficiency or knowledge测验, 测试:
all children are tested at eleven.
- judge or measure (someone's proficiency or knowledge) by means of such an examination考查(熟练程度, 知识)。
- carry out a medical test on (a person, a part of the body, or a body fluid)化验, 分析(人、人体或体液)。
- no obj., with complement produce a specified result in a medical test, especially a drugs test or Aids test(尤指药检或艾滋病检查的)测试结果:
he tested positive for steroids during the race.
- Chemistry examine (a substance) by means of a reagent【化】(用试剂)化验。
- touch or taste (something) to check that it is acceptable before proceeding further尝; (触)试:
she tested the water with the tip of her elbow.
put someone/thing to the test
- find out how useful, strong, or effective someone or something is使经受考验; 检验; 试验。
stand the test of time
- last or remain popular for a long time经得起时间的考验(或检验等)。
test the water
- judge people's feelings or opinions before taking further action试探, 摸底。