1- a member of a group of peoples inhabiting much of Europe and Asia Minor in pre-Roman times. Their culture developed in the late Bronze Age around the upper Danube, and reached its height in the La Tène culture (5th to 1st centuries BC) before being overrun by the Romans and various Germanic peoples.凯尔特人(前罗马时期居住在欧洲大部分地区和小亚细亚的民族组合的成员, 青铜器时代末期其文化在多瑙河上游地区形成后趋于成熟并达到以拉特尼文化[公元前5世纪至公元前1世纪]为标志的顶峰, 后被罗马人及各日耳曼语民族征服)。
- a native of any of the modern nations or regions in which Celtic languages are (or were until recently) spoken; a person of Irish, Highland Scottish, Manx, Welsh, or Cornish descent(说凯尔特语或直至不久前仍在说凯尔特语的)现代凯尔特人(指现代凯尔特语民族或地区的本族人或本地人); 有凯尔特血统的人(包括祖籍爱尔兰、苏格兰高地、马恩岛、威尔士或康沃尔的人)。
from Latin Celtae (plural), from Greek Keltoi; in later use from French Celte 'Breton' (taken as representing the ancient Gauls).