- preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable阻碍成功(或发展)的; 有害的; 不利的:
taxes are having an adverse effect on production
adverse weather conditions.
The two words adverse and averse are related in origin but they do not have the same meaning. Adverse means 'unfavourable or harmful' and is normally used of conditions and effects rather than people, as in adverse weather conditions. Averse, on the other hand, is used of people, nearly always with to, and means 'having a strong dislike or opposition to something', as in I am not averse to helping out. A common error is to use adverse instead of averse, as in he is not adverse to making a profit. Around 15 per cent of citations in the British National Corpus where the meaning is averse use the incorrect form adverse.
late Middle English: from Old French advers, from Latin adversus 'against, opposite', past participle of advertere, from ad- 'to' + vertere 'to turn'. Compare with AVERSE.