- of or relating to one of the traditional divisions of humankind, covering a broad group of peoples from Europe, western Asia, and parts of India and North Africa(与)高加索人种(有关)的(指按传统的人种划分, 遍及欧洲、西亚、印度部分地区和北非的人群)。
- ORIGIN: so named because the German physiologist Blumenbach believed that it originated in the Caucasus region of SE Europe.
- white-skinned; of European origin白皮肤的; 欧洲血统的。
- of or relating to the Caucasus(与)高加索(有关)的。
- of or relating to a group of languages spoken in the region of the Caucasus, of which thirty-eight are known, many not committed to writing. The most widely spoken is Georgian, of the small South Caucasian family, not related to the three North Caucasian families.(与)高加索语系(有关)的(其中已知语言共38种, 多数不用作书面语; 使用最广泛的是格鲁吉亚语, 属南高加索小语族, 与北高加索三语族无关)。
- a Caucasian person高加索人。
- a white person; a person of European origin白种人; 有欧洲血统的人。
In the racial classification as developed by Blumenbach and others in the 19th century, Caucasian (or Caucasoid) included peoples whose skin colour ranged from light (in northern Europe) to dark (in parts of North Africa and India). Although the classification is outdated and the categories are now not generally accepted as scientific (see usage at MONGOLOID), the term Caucasian has acquired a more restricted meaning. It is now used, especially in the US, as a synonym for 'white or of European origin', as in the following citation: the police are looking for a Caucasian male in his forties.