- a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat城堡, 堡垒。
- a magnificent and imposing mansion, especially one that is the home or former home of a member of the nobility(尤指贵族现在或旧时所住的)宫堡, 巨宅, 宅邸:
as names Castle Howard.霍华德堡。
no obj.[often as noun castling]
1- Chess make a special move (no more than once in a game by each player) in which the king is transferred from its original square two squares along the back rank towards a rook on its corner square which is then transferred to the square passed over by the king【棋】王车易位, 用车护王。
- with obj. move (the king) in this way使(王)与车易位。
castles in the air(或in Spain)
- visionary unattainable schemes; daydreams空中楼阁, 空想而不可实现的计划, 白日梦:
my father built castles in the air about owning a boat.
adjective (archaic〈古〉)词源
late Old English: from Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French castel, from Latin castellum, diminutive of castrum 'fort'.