- the hindmost part of an animal, especially when prolonged beyond the rest of the body, such as the flexible extension of the backbone in a vertebrate, the feathers at the hind end of a bird, or a terminal appendage in an insect尾巴。
- a thing resembling an animal's tail in its shape or position, typically something extending downwards or outwards at the end of something尾状物:
the trailed tail of a capital Q
the cars were head to tail.
- the rear part of an aeroplane, with the tailplane and rudder(飞机)尾部。
- the lower or hanging part of a garment, especially the back of a shirt or coat(尤指衬衫或外套背部的)下摆。
informal a tailcoat; a man's formal evening suit with such a coat〈非正式〉燕尾服; (男子的)晚礼服:the men looked debonair in white tie and tails.
- the luminous trail of particles following a comet彗尾。
- the lower end of a pool or stream(水池的)浅水端; (河流的)下游。
- the exposed end of a slate or tile in a roof(屋瓦的)叠余外露部分。
- a slender backward prolongation of each hindwing in some butterflies(一些蝴蝶的)狭翅须。
- Mathematics an extremity of a curve approaching the horizontal axis of a graph, especially that of a frequency distribution【数】截尾。
- the end of a long train or line of people or vehicles(火车的)末节车厢; (人或车辆排成的长队的)尾端:
a catering truck at the tail of the convoy.
- in sing. the final, more distant, or weaker part of something结尾; 末梢:
the forecast says we're in for the tail of a hurricane.
- Cricket the end of the batting order, with the weakest batsmen【板球】最弱的击球手。
- informal a person secretly following another to observe their movements〈非正式〉盯梢人
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. a person's buttocks〈非正式, 主北美〉屁股。
- vulgar slang a woman's genitals.〈粗俚〉女性生殖器。
- mass noun informal women collectively regarded as a means of sexual gratification〈非正式〉[总称](作为满足男人性欲的工具的)女人:
my wife thinks going out with you guys will keep me from chasing tail.
the side of a coin without the image of a head on it (used when tossing a coin to determine a winner)硬币的反面。
- informal follow and observe (someone) closely, especially in secret〈非正式〉偷偷跟踪, 盯…的梢:
was it Special Branch who were tailing Mills just before the murder?
- no obj., with adverbial of direction follow跟随:
they went to their favourite cafe-Owen and Sally tailed along.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction N. Amer. (of an object in flight) drift or curve in a particular direction〈北美〉(飞行物体)(朝…)漂移, 成弧线(向…)飞去:
the next pitch tailed in on me at the last second.
- rare provide with a tail〈罕〉给…加上尾巴:
her calligraphy was topped by banners of black ink and tailed like the haunches of fabulous beasts.
她的字体头部像迎风飘扬的黑色旗帜, 尾部如传说中野兽那遒劲有力的腰腿。
- archaic join (one thing) to another〈古〉连接:
each new row of houses tailed on its drains to those of its neighbours.
- pull on the end of (a rope) after it has been wrapped round the drum of a winch a few times, in order to prevent slipping when the winch rotates拉紧(绞索)。
chase one's (own) tail
- informal rush around ineffectually〈非正式〉无谓瞎忙。
on someone's tail
- following someone closely紧跟, 跟踪:
a police car stayed on his tail for half a mile.
a piece of tail
the tail of one's eye
- dated the outer corner of one's eye〈旧〉眼角。
the tail wags the dog
- the less important or subsidiary factor, person, or thing dominates a situation; the usual roles are reversed尾巴摇狗(处于从属地位的人或事物控制局势); 本末倒置:
the financing system is becoming the tail that wags the dog.
with one's tail between one's legs
- informal in a state of dejection or humiliation〈非正式〉夹着尾巴; 灰溜溜地。
with one's tail up
- informal in a confident or cheerful mood〈非正式〉趾高气扬地。
adjectivetail back
- Brit. (of traffic) become congested and form a tailback〈英〉(车辆)堵塞排成长队, 向后延伸。
tail something in(或into)
- insert the end of a beam, stone, or brick, into (a wall)把(梁、石头、砖的端头)嵌入(墙内)。
tail off (或away)
- gradually diminish in amount, strength, or intensity(数量、力量、强度)逐渐减弱:
the economic boom was beginning to tail off.