- the name of two Italian explorers and navigators卡伯特(两位意大利探险家及航海家之名):
- John (c. 1450-c. 1498); Italian name Giovanni Caboto. He sailed from Bristol in 1497 in search of Asia, but in fact discovered the mainland of North America.约翰(约1450- 约1498, 意大利语名乔瓦尼·卡博托, 1497年从布里斯托尔出发寻找亚洲, 但实际上发现了北美大陆)。
- Sebastian (c. 1475-1557), son of John. Sebastian accompanied his father on his voyage in 1497 and made further voyages after the latter's death, most notably to Brazil and the River Plate (1526).塞巴斯蒂安(约1475-1557, 约翰之子, 1497年随父航行, 其父死后, 仍继续航海出行, 所去之处最有名的有巴西和拉普拉塔河 [1526])。