/ˌsʊərɪˈnɑːmə/(亦作Surinam /-ˈnɑːm/)
- a country on the NE coast of South America; pop. 481,300 (est. 2009); languages, Dutch (official), Creoles, Hindi; capital, Paramaribo. Former name (until 1948) DUTCH GUIANA.苏里南(位于南美洲东北部海岸的国家, 2009年估计人口481,300, 官方语言为荷兰语, 同时还使用克里奥耳语和印地语, 首都帕拉马里博; 原称DUTCH GUIANA[1948年前])。
Colonized by the Dutch and the English from the 17th century, Suriname became fully independent in 1975. The population is descended largely from African slaves and Asian workers brought in to work on sugar plantations; there is also a small American Indian population.