- a short sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming smartly into contact咔嗒声:
she heard the click of the door
at a click of his fingers, they were supplied with a plate of olives.
他咔嗒打一个响指, 便有人为他们端上一盘橄榄。
- a speech sound produced as a type of plosive by sudden withdrawal of the tongue from the soft palate, front teeth, or back teeth and hard palate, occurring in some southern African and other languages(南非语等语言的)倒吸气音。
- Computing an act of pressing one of the buttons on a mouse【计算机】(对鼠标键的)点击。
- make or cause to make a short sharp sound(使)作咔嗒声:
no obj. the key clicked in the lock and the door opened钥匙在锁内咔嗒一声, 门开了
with obj. she clicked off the light她咔嗒一声把灯关了
Martha clicked her tongue
as adj. clicking the clicking cameras outside the church.教堂外快门咔嗒作响的照相机。
- no obj., with adverbial move with such a sound发着咔嗒声运动:
Louise turned on her three-inch heels and clicked away.
路易丝一转身, 踩着三英寸高的高跟鞋咔嗒咔嗒走远了。
- with obj. Computing press (one of the buttons on a mouse)【计算机】点击(鼠标键):
click the left mouse button twice.
- no obj.
click on
Computing select (an item represented on the screen or a particular function) by pressing one of the buttons on the mouse when the cursor is over the appropriate symbol【计算机】(用鼠标)点击选择。
click through
Computing press one of the buttons on a mouse in order to follow a hyperlink to another file or web page【计算机】点击:click through to the website to buy the CD.
- no obj. informal become suddenly clear or understandable〈非正式〉突然变明了, 恍然大悟:
I wasn't used to such good treatment, then it clicked: we were wearing suits.
我不习惯这么有礼的招待, 随后我恍然大悟:是因为我们穿着西装。
- quickly become friendly or intimate很快就变得友好(或亲密), 一见如故:
I couldn't help notice how pretty and intelligent she was and we just clicked
我由衷地注意到她是那样的漂亮和聪慧, 我们一见如故
I didn't meet a woman who I really clicked with until I was 40.
- become successful or popular成功; 受欢迎:
a jockey who never quite clicked with the racing public.
click one's fingers
- 见
click into place
- (of an object, especially part of a mechanism) fall smoothly into its allotted position(物体, 尤指机械装置部件)正好嵌入, 恰好吻合。
- figurative become suddenly clear and understandable〈喻〉突然明了, 水落石出:
given this info, everything soon clicks into place.
有了这些资料, 所有的事情马上水落石出。
clicks and mortar
- used to refer to a traditional business that has expanded its activities to operate also on the Internet开展网络业务的传统企业。