- Bush1, George (Herbert Walker) (b. 1924), American Republican statesman, 41st President of the US 1989-93. He negotiated further arms reductions with the Soviet Union and organized international action to expel the Iraqis from Kuwait in 1990.布什, 乔治(·赫伯特·沃克)(生于1924年, 美国共和党政治家, 1989-1993任美国第四十一届总统; 他与苏联进行进一步裁减军备谈判, 并于1990组织多国部队将伊拉克人逐出了科威特)。
- Bush2, George W(alker)(b.1946), American Republican statesman, 43rd President of the US 2001-2009; He is the son of George Bush. One of his first acts as President was to launch a 'War on Terror' against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon; he also ordered the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, maintaining that Saddam Hussein was developing chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.布什, 乔治·沃克(生于1946年, 美国共和党政治家、第43任总统[2001-2009], 乔治·布什之子; 他作为总统所采取的首次行动是在恐怖分子对世贸中心和五角大楼发动"9·11" 袭击后, 随即发动了针对阿富汗塔利班政权的“反恐战争”; 他坚持认为萨达姆·侯赛因正在研制化学、生物和核武器, 因而在2003年3月下令入侵了伊拉克)。