- a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death地狱(许多宗教认为是灵魂受苦受难之地, 传统上常被描绘成地底下燃烧着不熄之火的地方, 邪恶之人死后在此受到惩罚)。
- a state or place of great suffering; an unbearable experience受苦, 受难; 无法忍受的经历:
I've been through hell
he made her life hell.
- used to express annoyance or surprise or for emphasis(用以表示恼怒或惊讶, 或表示强调)见鬼, 该死:
oh, hell - where will this all end?
哦, 见鬼——这一切哪儿才是尽头?
hell, no, we were all married.
真见鬼, 不, 我们都已结婚了。
the hell
informal expressing anger, contempt, or disbelief〈非正式〉(表示生气、轻蔑或不相信)见鬼, 到底:who the hell are you?
the hell you are!
all hell broke(或 was let) loose
- informal suddenly there was pandemonium〈非正式〉(突然)喧嚣起来, 混乱起来。
(as) - as hell
- informal used for emphasis〈非正式〉(用以强调)很, 非常:
he's as guilty as hell.
be hell on
- informal be very unpleasant or harmful to〈非正式〉对…来说很不愉快, 对…有害:
a sensitive liberal mentality can be hell on a marriage.
come hell or high water
- whatever difficulties may occur不论有什么困难。
for the hell of it
- informal just for fun〈非正式〉只是为了好玩:
she walked on window ledges for the hell of it.
她在窗台上走, 只是为了好玩。
- from hell
- informal an extremely unpleasant or troublesome instance or example of something〈非正式〉极其讨厌或麻烦的事例:
wives from hell.
get hell
- informal be severely reprimanded〈非正式〉受到严厉谴责(或训斥):
she got hell on the way home.
get the hell out (of)
- informal escape from (a place or situation) very quickly〈非正式〉迅速逃离(某地或某种处境):
let's all get the hell out of here.
give someone hell
- informal severely reprimand or make things very unpleasant for someone〈非正式〉严厉训斥(某人), 使非常不快。
go to hell
- informal used to express angry rejection of someone or something〈非正式〉(用于表达愤怒的拒绝)见你的鬼去吧。
go to(或 through)hell and back
- endure an extremely unpleasant or difficult experience忍受极其不快(或艰难)的经历。
go to hell in a handbasket
- N. Amer. informal undergo a rapid process of deterioration〈北美, 非正式〉迅速变坏(或堕落)。
hell for leather
- as fast as possible尽快地。
hell's bells
- informal an exclamation of annoyance or anger〈非正式〉(表示恼怒或生气的感叹词)见鬼, 讨厌。
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- proverb a woman who has been rejected by a man can be ferociously angry and vindictive〈谚〉地狱烈焰不及被拒女人之怒火(被男人拒绝的女人会极其愤怒且具强烈的报复心理)。
a(或 one) hell of a-
- informal used to emphasize something very bad or great〈非正式〉(用以强调某物很坏或很大)非常, 极其:
it cost us a hell of a lot of money.
hell's half acre
- N. Amer. a great distance〈北美〉很远的距离。
like hell
informal <非正式>
- very fast, much, hard, etc. (used for emphasis)(用于强调)很快地, 非常, 拼命地, 等等:
it hurts like hell.
- used in ironic expressions of scorn or disagreement(用讽刺口吻表示轻蔑或不同意)见鬼; 决不, 才不:
like hell, he thought.
才不呢, 他想。
not a hope in hell
- informal no chance at all〈非正式〉毫无机会。
play hell(或 merry hell)
- informal make a fuss; create havoc〈非正式〉大惊小怪; 搞破坏。
- cause damage造成损失, 损坏:
the rough road played hell with the tyres.
the road to hell is paved with good intentions
- proverb promises and plans must be put into action, otherwise they are useless〈谚〉徒有良好愿望而无行动, 毫无用处。
there will be hell to pay
- informal serious trouble will occur as a result of a previous action〈非正式〉(因此前的行为而)惹出大麻烦。
to hell
- used for emphasis(用于强调)真:
damn it to hell
to hell with
- informal expressing one's scorn or lack of concern for (someone or something)〈非正式〉(表示轻蔑或漠不关心)…该死, 让…见鬼去吧。
until 或(till) hell freezes over
- for an extremely long time or forever永远。
what the hell
- informal it doesn't matter〈非正式〉没关系, 没什么。
adverb & adjective词源
Old English hel, hell, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hel and German Hölle, from an Indo-European root meaning 'to cover or hide'.