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the legal capital and seat of the judiciary of Bolivia; pop. 274,576 (2009). It is situated in the Andes, at an altitude of 2,700 m (8,860 ft). Named Chuquisaca by the Spanish in 1539, the city was renamed in 1825 in honour of Antonio José de Sucre. 苏克雷(玻利维亚的法定首都, 司法部所在地, 2009年人口274,576; 位于安第斯山脉中, 海拔2,700米, 即8,860英尺; 1539年西班牙人把它命名为丘基萨卡, 1825年为纪念安东尼奥·何塞·德·苏克雷改为现名)。
Sucre2, Antonio José de (1795-1830), Venezuelan revolutionary and statesman, President of Bolivia 1826- 8. He served as Simón Bolívar's Chief of Staff, liberating Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia from the Spanish, and was the first President of Bolivia. 苏克雷, 安东尼奥·何塞·德(1795-1830, 委内瑞拉革命家和政治家, 玻利维亚总统[1826- 1828], 曾担任西蒙·玻利瓦尔的参谋长, 从西班牙手中解放了厄瓜多尔、秘鲁和玻利维亚, 并成为玻利维亚第一任总统)。