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Brandt1, Bill (1904-83), German-born British photographer; full name Hermann Wilhelm Brandt. He is best known for his almost abstract treatment of the nude, as in Perspectives of Nudes (1961). 布兰特, 比尔(德国出生的英国摄影家, 全名赫尔曼·威廉·布兰特, 主要以其对裸体形象的抽象处理闻名, 如其作品集《裸体的透视》[1961年]中所为)。
Brandt2, Willy (1913-92), German statesman, Chancellor of West Germany 1969-74; born Karl Herbert Frahm. He achieved international recognition for his policy of détente and the opening of relations with the countries of the Eastern bloc (Ostpolitik). Nobel Peace Prize (1971). 勃兰特, 威利(1913-1992, 德国政治家, 西德总理[1969-1974], 原名卡尔·赫伯特·弗拉姆; 因奉行缓和国际关系及与东方集团国家建立关系的东方政策[Ostpolitik]而得到了国际社会的认可, 1971年获诺贝尔和平奖)。