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Bhutto1, Benazir (1953-2007), Pakistani stateswoman, Prime Minister 1988-90 and 1993-96, daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. She was the first woman Prime Minister of a Muslim country. Defeated in elections in 1997, she was later charged with corruption offences and banned from public office; the conviction was subsequently overturned. She was assassinated after returning to Pakistan to campaign for re-election. 布托, 贝纳齐尔(1953年生, 巴基斯坦女政治家, 总理[1988-1990,1993-1996], 佐勒菲卡尔·阿里·布托之女; 她是穆斯林国家的第一位女总理。1997年竞选失败, 随后被指控犯有腐败罪, 从而被禁止担任公职。这一判决后来被推翻。(2007年)回巴基斯坦再度竞选(总理)遭暗杀)。
Bhutto2, Zulfikar Ali (1928-79), Pakistani statesman, President 1971-3 and Prime Minister 1973-7. He was ousted by a military coup and executed for conspiring to murder a political rival. 布托, 佐勒菲卡尔·阿里(1928-1979,巴基斯坦政治家, 总统[1971-1973],总理[1973-1977]; 他被军事政变推翻, 并被指控谋杀政治对手而被处死)。