- the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake(河或湖的)堤岸:
willows lined the riverbank.
- a long, high slope, mass, or mound of a particular substance高坡; 大块; 丘墩:
a grassy bank
a bank of snow.
- an elevation in the seabed or a river bed; a mudbank or sandbank(泥)滩; 沙洲。
- a transverse slope given to a road, railway, or sports track to enable vehicles or runners to maintain speed round a curve(公路、铁路或跑道的横向、用以帮助车辆或运动员在弯道处保持速度的)斜坡。
- mass noun the sideways tilt of an aircraft when turning in flight(飞机飞行)转弯时的侧斜:
flying with small amounts of bank
count noun the aeroplane flew through banks of up to 30 degrees.飞机甚至有30度倾侧。
- a set or series of similar things, especially electrical or electronic devices, grouped together in rows(尤指成套电器或电子设备的)(一)排(一)组:
the DJ had big banks of lights and speakers on either side of his console.
- a tier of oars一排桨。
- the cushion of a pool table台球桌橡皮内边。
- heap (a substance) into a mass or mound把…堆起来:
the rain banked the soil up behind the gate
snow was banked in humps at the roadside.
- no obj. rise or form into a mass or mound堆积; 积聚:
purple clouds banked up over the hills.
- heap a mass or mound of a substance against (something)靠…堆:
people were banking their houses with earth.
- heap up (a fire) with tightly packed fuel so that it burns slowly封(炉火), 闷火烧:
she banked up the fire.
- edge or surround with a ridge or row of something用…排边; 围:
steps banked with pots of chrysanthemums.
- (with reference to an aircraft vehicle) tilt or cause to tilt sideways in making a turn(飞机转弯时)倾侧:
no obj. the plane banked as if to return to the airport飞机倾侧转弯, 似乎要飞回机场
with obj. I banked the aircraft steeply and turned.我让飞机大坡度倾侧, 转了个弯。
- build (a road, railway, or sports track) higher at the outer edge of a bend to facilitate fast cornering使(公路、铁路或跑道)拐弯处路面向内倾斜(以便于快速转弯)。
- often as noun banking Brit. (of a locomotive) provide additional power for (a train) in ascending an incline〈英〉(机车上坡时)加马力。
- (of an angler) succeed in bringing (a fish) to the side of a river or lake(钓鱼者)把(鱼)弄到靠岸:
it was the biggest rainbow trout that had ever been banked.
- N. Amer. (in pool) play (a ball) so that it rebounds off a surface such as a backboard or cushion〈北美〉让(台球撞边)反弹。
- a financial establishment that uses money deposited by customers for investment, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency银行:
as modifier a bank account.银行账户。
- a stock of something available for use when required储备库:
a blood bank
figurative 〈喻〉Britain has a bank of highly exportable skills.
- a site or receptacle where something may be deposited for recycling(存放再生物原料的)场所; 容器:
a paper bank.
the bank
the store of money or tokens held by the banker in some gambling or board games(赌博或棋戏中的)庄家赌本。
- the person holding this store; the banker庄家。
- deposit (money or valuables) in a bank把(钱, 贵重物品)存入银行:
I banked the cheque.
- no obj. have an account at a particular bank(在某银行)开有账户:
the family has banked with Coutts for generations.
- informal (especially of a competitor in a game or race) win or earn (a sum of money)〈非正式〉(尤指参赛者)赢得(一笔钱):
he banked £100,000 for a hole-in-one.
他在高尔夫赛中一击入穴, 赢得十万英镑。
- store (something, especially blood, tissue, or sperm) for future use将…(尤指血、人体组织或精子)存库。
break the bank
- (in gambling) win more money than is held by the bank(赌博中)赢光庄家的钱。
- usu. with negative informal cost more than one can afford〈非正式〉(价格)令人无法承受:
we're offering five-night breaks at a price that won't break the bank.
bank on
- rely on confidently信赖, 指望:
the prime minister cannot bank on their support.