- mass noun an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady平衡:
slipping in the mud but keeping their balance
she lost her balance and fell.
- mental or emotional stability镇定; 沉着:
the way to some kind of peace and personal balance.
- Sailing the ability of a boat to stay on course without adjustment of the rudder【航海】(船的)平衡力。
- mass noun a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions平衡; (比例)协调:
the obligations of political balance in broadcasting
in sing. try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.努力保持劳逸平衡。
- Art harmony of design and proportion【艺术】(设计或比例的)匀称和谐。
- the relative volume of various sources of sound(不同声源的)协调:
the balance of the voices is good.
- an apparatus for weighing, especially one with a central pivot, beam, and two scales天平。
the Balance
the zodiacal sign or constellation Libra天秤星座。
- a counteracting weight or force配重; 平衡力。
- (亦作balance wheel)the regulating device in a clock or watch(钟表的)平衡轮, 摆轮。
- mass noun a predominating weight or amount重心, 主要部分:
the balance of opinion was that work was more important than leisure.
- a figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account; the amount of money held in an account结存; 借贷差额:
he accumulated a healthy balance with the savings bank.
- usu. in sing. the difference between an amount due and an amount paid(应付与所付的)结欠, 差额:
the holiday balance must be paid by 8 weeks before departure.
- in sing. an amount left over剩余部分。
- keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall使平衡:
a mug that she balanced on her knee.
- no obj. remain in a steady position without falling保持平衡:
Richard balanced on the ball of one foot.
- offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another抵偿; 权衡; 比较:
the cost of obtaining such information needs to be balanced against its benefits.
- counteract, equal, or neutralize the weight or importance of抵消; 相等; 中和:
he balanced his radical remarks with more familiar declarations.
- establish equal or appropriate proportions of elements in使对称; 使(比例)协调:
balancing work and family life.
- compare debits and credits in (an account) so as to ensure that they are equal使(借贷)平衡; 销(账):
the law requires the council to balance its books each year.
- no obj.(of an account) have credits and debits equal(账户)收支平衡。
balance of payments
- the difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a period国际收支差额。
balance of power
- a situation in which states of the world have roughly equal power(各国间的)均势。
- the power held by a small group when larger groups are of equal strength(在大集团势力相当时)小集团的举足轻重地位。
balance of trade
- the difference in value between a country's imports and exports贸易差额, 进出口差额。
in the balance
- uncertain; at a critical stage不确定, 安危(或成败)未定; 在危急时刻:
his survival hung in the balance for days.
on balance
- when all factors are taken into consideration总的来说; 权衡各种因素:
on balance, he was pleased with how things had gone.
总的来说, 他对事情的进展很满意。
strike a balance
- choose a moderate course or compromise妥协; 采取折中办法。
throw(或catch)someone off balance
- cause someone to become unsteady and in danger of falling使某人摇摇欲坠。
- figurative confuse or bewilder someone〈喻〉使(某人)困惑。