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N179128101snowSpoken.3523Fiction.10203Magazine.9077Newspaper.3783Academic.1515 V98251796snowSpoken.280Fiction.853Magazine.418Newspaper.202Academic.43Snow/snəʊ/Snow, C. P., 1st Baron Snow of Leicester (1905-80), English novelist and scientist; full name Charles Percy Snow. He is best known for his sequence of eleven novels Strangers and Brothers, which deals with moral dilemmas in the academic world, and for his lecture Two Cultures (1959). 斯诺, C·P, 莱斯特城斯诺男爵(第一)(1905-1980, 英国小说家, 科学家, 全名查尔斯·珀西·斯诺; 最有名的作品是描写学术界道德困境的11卷本系列小说《陌生人和弟兄们》, 及其讲稿《两种文化》[1959])。