- having an even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations(表面)光滑的, 平滑的:
smooth flat rocks.
- (of a person's face or skin) not wrinkled, pitted, or hairy(脸, 皮肤)光滑的:
a smooth skin tans more easily.
- (of a liquid) with an even consistency; without lumps(液体)细腻的; 均匀的:
cook gently until the sauce is smooth.
- (of the sea or another body of water) without heavy waves; calm(海洋, 其他水体)无风浪的, 平静的:
the smooth summer sea.
- (of movement) without jerks(动作)平稳的:
the trucks gave a smooth ride
graphics are excellent, with fast, smooth scrolling.
图像精美, 滚屏快速顺畅。
- (of an action, event, or process) without problems or difficulties(动作, 事件, 过程)顺利的:
the group's expansion into the US market was not quite so smooth.
- denoting the face of a tennis or squash racket without the projecting loops from the stringing process (used as a call when the racket is spun to decide the right to serve first or to choose ends)(网球拍或软式壁球拍无线结的一面, 在决定谁先发球或选择场地转动球拍时作判定口令用的)光面, 滑面。
- (of food or drink) without harshness or bitterness(食品, 饮料)醇和的, 不苦的:
a lovely, smooth, very fruity wine.
味道醇和, 果味浓厚, 非常爽口的葡萄酒。
- (of a person or their manner, actions, or words) suavely charming in a way considered to be unctuous(人或其态度、动作、言语)圆滑的, 油腔滑调的, 迎合讨好的:
his voice was infuriatingly smooth.
他的声音油腔滑调, 令人恼怒。
- give (something) a flat, regular surface or appearance by running one's hand over it抚平, 弄平滑:
she smoothed out the newspaper.
- rub off the rough edges of (something)磨平:
you can use glasspaper to smooth the joint.
- deal successfully with (a problem, difficulty, or perceived fault)成功地解决(问题, 困难, 发现的错误):
these doctrinal disputes were smoothed over.
- free (a course of action) from difficulties or problems消除(行动)障碍, 为…铺平道路:
a conference would be held to smooth the way for the establishment of the provisional government.
- modify (a graph, curve, etc.) so as to lessen irregularities修改(图表、曲线等)以减少不规则现象:
values are collected over a long period of time so that fluctuations are smoothed out.
数值是在很长的时间段内收集的, 所以波动起伏被修匀了。
- archaic in a way that is without difficulties〈古〉顺利地:
the course of true love never did run smooth.
smooth someone's ruffled feathers