(pl. -ies)
- mass noun
the enormity of
the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong穷凶极恶: a thorough search disclosed the full enormity of the crime.
- (in neutral use) the large size or scale of something(中性用法)巨大; 广大:
the enormity of his intellect.
- a grave crime or sin暴行; 滔天大罪:
the enormities of the Hitler regime.
Enormity traditionally means 'the extreme scale or seriousness of something bad or morally wrong', as in residents of the town were struggling to deal with the enormity of the crime. Today, however, a more neutral sense as a synonym for hugeness or immensity, as in he soon discovered the enormity of the task, is common. Some people regard this use as wrong, arguing that enormity in its original sense meant 'a crime' and should therefore continue to be used only of contexts in which a negative moral judgement is implied. Nevertheless, the sense is now broadly accepted in standard English, although it generally relates to something difficult, such as a task, challenge, or achievement.
late Middle English: via Old French from Latin enormitas, from enormis, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out of' + norma 'pattern, standard'. The word originally meant 'deviation from legal or moral rectitude' and 'transgression'. Current senses have been influenced by ENORMOUS.