/ˈsɑːtrə/- Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-80), French philosopher, novelist, dramatist, and critic. A leading existentialist, he dealt in his work with the nature of human life and the structures of consciousness. He refused the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964. Notable works: Nausée (novel, 1938), Being and Nothingness (treatise, 1943), and Huis clos (play, 1944).萨特, 让-保罗(1905-1980, 法国哲学家、小说家、剧作家、评论家, 主要的存在主义者, 他在著作中研究人的生命的本质及意识体系; 1964年他拒绝接受诺贝尔文学奖, 代表作品: 小说《恶心》[1938], 专著《存在与虚无》[1943]及剧本《在密室里》[1944])。