- a city in southern England, in Wiltshire; pop. 42,900 (est. 2009). It is noted for its 13th-century cathedral, whose spire, at 123 m (404 ft), is the highest in England. Its diocese is known as Sarum, an old name for the city.索尔兹伯里(英格兰南部城市, 在威尔特郡, 2009年估计人口42,900; 以13世纪的大教堂闻名, 大教堂的尖顶高达123米, 即404英尺, 是英格兰最高尖顶; 其教区通称塞勒姆, 塞勒姆是该城的旧名)。
- Salisbury2, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of (1830-1903), British Conservative statesman, Prime Minister 1885-6,1886-92, and 1895-1902. He supported the policies which resulted in the Second Boer War (1899-1902).索尔兹伯里, 罗伯特·阿瑟·塔尔博特·加斯科因-塞西尔, 侯爵(第三)(1830-1903, 英国保守党政治家, 1885-1886,1886-1892,1895-1902年间任首相, 他支持导致第二次布尔战争[1899-1902]的政策)。