ripped, ripping
- with obj. and adverbial of direction tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone撕; 扯; 剥:
a fan tried to rip his trousers off during a show
figurative 〈喻〉countries ripped apart by fighting.
- with obj. make a long tear or cut in撕破; 划破:
you've ripped my jacket
as adj. ripped ripped jeans.划破了的牛仔裤。
- make (a hole) by force划出(孔洞); 击穿:
the truck was struck by lightning and had a hole ripped out of its roof.
卡车被雷电击中, 车顶穿了个窟窿。
- no obj. come violently apart; tear裂开; 被撕破:
the skirt of her frock ripped.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move forcefully and rapidly猛冲; 飞速行进:
fire ripped through her bungalow.
- with obj. Computing use a program to copy (a sound sequence on a compact disc) on to a computer's hard drive【计算机】利用程序将(光盘上的音序)复制到硬盘驱动器上。
- a long tear or cut长裂口; 长裂缝。
- in sing. an act of tearing something forcibly撕; 撕破。
- N. Amer. a fraud or swindle; a rip-off〈北美〉欺诈; 骗局; 剽窃。
let rip
- informal do something or proceed vigorously or without restraint〈非正式〉全力以赴; 无拘无束行事; 自由自在地行动:
the brass sections let rip with sheer gusto.
- express oneself vehemently or angrily强烈表达; 气愤地陈述。
let something rip
- informal allow something, especially a vehicle, to go at full speed〈非正式〉让(车辆等)全速前进。
- allow something to happen forcefully or without interference听任, 任…自行发展, 对…不加干预:
once she started a tirade, it was best to let it rip.
一旦她开始激烈的长篇大论, 最好随它去。
- utter or express something forcefully and noisily大声嚷嚷:
when I passed the exam I let rip a 'yippee'.
rip into
- informal make a vehement verbal attack on〈非正式〉猛烈抨击; 谴责:
he ripped into me just for going into the caravan.
因为我撞了他的家庭旅行拖车, 他对我破口大骂。
rip someone off
- informal cheat someone, especially financially〈非正式〉欺诈(尤指骗钱); 敲…竹杠。
rip something off
- informal steal〈非正式〉偷窃:
they have ripped off £6.7 billion.
- copy; plagiarize复制; 抄袭, 剽窃:
the film is a shameless collection of ideas ripped off from other movies.
rip something up
- tear something violently into small pieces so as to destroy it把…撕成碎片; 撕毁。
- a stretch of fast-flowing and rough water in the sea or in a river, caused by the meeting of currents(由海、河中不同水流相遇造成的)裂流(激浪)水域。