- morally good, justified, or acceptable端正的, 正当的, 正义的, 理所当然的:
I hope we're doing the right thing
with infinitive you were quite right to criticize him.你批评他是完全有理的。
- true or correct as a fact正确的, 对的, 准确的:
I'm not sure I know the right answer
her theories were proved right.
- predic. correct in one's opinion or judgement(意见, 判断)对的, 正确的:
she was right about Tom having no money.
- used as an interrogative at the end of a statement as a way of inviting agreement, approval, or confirmation[句末用作疑问词, 用于征求同意或证实]对吧, 对不对:
you went to see Angie on Monday, right?
你星期一去看了安吉, 对吗?
- according to what is correct for a particular situation or thing对头的, 符合要求的:
is this the right way to the cottage?
you're not holding it the right way up.
- the best or most suitable of a number of possible choices for a particular purpose or occasion最合适的, 最恰当的:
he was clearly the right man for the job
I was waiting for the right moment to ask him.
- socially fashionable or important(社交上)高级的; 重要的:
he was seen at all the right places.
- predic. in a satisfactory, sound, or normal state or condition(状态或情况)令人满意的; 健全的; 正常的:
that sausage doesn't smell right
if only I could have helped put matters right.
- denoting or worn on the side of a person's body which is towards the east when they are facing north右肢体的; 右肢体穿戴的:
my right elbow
her right shoe.
- denoting the corresponding side of any other object右边的, 右面的:
the right edge of the field.
- on this side from the point of view of a spectator(从观众角度看)右边的, 右面的。
- attrib. informal, chiefly Brit. complete; absolute (used for emphasis, typically in derogatory contexts)〈非正式, 主英〉十足的; 绝对的(用作强调, 多用于贬抑语境):
I felt a right idiot.
- of or relating to a person or political party or grouping favouring conservative views(人或政党)支持保守观点的, 右翼的, 右派的:
are you politically right, left, or centre?
在政治上你是右派, 左派, 还是中间派?
- with prep. phr. to the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis)[用作强调]完全地, 彻底地:
the car spun right off the track
汽车打了个转, 完全冲出了赛道
I'm right out of ideas.
- exactly; directly (used to emphasize the precise location or time of something)正好(用于强调精确的地点或时间):
Harriet was standing right behind her.
- informal immediately; without delaying or hesitating〈非正式〉立即, 马上:
I'll be right back.
- as submodifier dialect or archaic very〈方或古〉非常, 十分:
it's right spooky in there!
- correctly正确地, 对:
he had guessed right.
- in the required or necessary way; properly; satisfactorily符合要求地, 恰当地; 令人满意地:
nothing's going right for me this season.
- on or to the right side在右面; 向右边:
turn right off the B1269.
- mass noun that which is morally correct, just, or honourable正当, 正义, 公正:
she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong
count noun the rights and wrongs of the matter.这件事的正确与错误两个方面。
- a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way正当理由, 法定权利:
with infinitive she had every right to be angry她完全有理由生气
you're quite within your rights to ask for your money back
mass noun there is no right of appeal against the decision.对该裁定没有上诉权。
the authority to perform, publish, film, or televise a particular work, event, etc.著作权, 版权:they sold the paperback rights.
the right
the right-hand part, side, or direction右部, 右边, 右侧:take the first turning on the right
(one's right) she seated me on her right.
- (in football or a similar sport) the right-hand half of the field when facing the opponent's goal(足球等运动)右外场。
- the right wing of an army部队的右翼。
- a right turn右转弯:
he made a right in Dorchester Avenue.
- a road or entrance on the right右边的路(或入口):
take the first right over the stream.
- (especially in the context of boxing) a person's right fist(尤指拳击比赛)右手拳。
- a blow given with this右手拳的一击:
the young copper swung a terrific right.
- (常作the Right)[treated as sing. or pl.] a grouping or political party favouring conservative views and supporting capitalist economic principles右翼组织; 右派政党。
- the section of a group or political party adhering particularly strongly to such views(组织, 政党)右派, 右翼。
- restore to a normal or upright position使恢复正常位置; 将…扶正:
we righted the capsized dinghy.
- restore to a normal or correct condition or situation使恢复正常(或正确)状态:
righting the economy demanded major cuts in defence spending.
- redress or rectify (a wrong or mistaken action)纠正, 矫正:
she was determined to right the wrongs done to her father.
- (一般作be righted)archaic make reparation to (someone) for a wrong done to them〈古〉为…平反; 补偿:
we'll see you righted.
- informal used to indicate one's agreement with a suggestion or to acknowledge a statement or order〈非正式〉[用于表示同意或确认]好, 行, 对:
'Barry's here.' 'Oh, right'
“巴里在这里。”“哦, 好”
right you are, sir.
一点不错, 先生。
- used as a filler in speech or as a way of confirming that someone is listening to or understanding what one is saying[用作补白, 或表示确实在听或理解]好, 行:
and I didn't think any more of it, right, but Mum said I should take him to a doctor.
我没有再想这件事, 是吧, 但妈妈说我应该带他去看医生。
- used to introduce an utterance, exhortation, or suggestion[用于引出话语、劝告或建议]行啦:
right, let's have a drink.
行啦, 我们来喝一杯吧。
bang(或〈北美〉dead)to rights
- informal (of a criminal) with positive proof of guilt〈非正式〉(罪犯)犯罪证据确凿, 无可抵赖:
we've got you bang to rights handling stolen property.
be in the right
- be morally or legally justified in one's views, actions, or decisions(观点、行为或决定)正当, 正确, 有理。
by rights
- if things had happened or been done fairly or correctly按理:
by rights, he should not be playing next week.
按道理, 他下周不该参加比赛。
do right by
- treat (someone) fairly公平对待。
in one's own right
- as a result of one's own claims, qualifications, or efforts, rather than an association with someone else凭自身的权利(或资格、努力)而非凭借与他人的关系:
he was already established as a poet in his own right.
(not) in one's right mind
- (not) sane神智(不)健全的; (不)理智的。
not right in the head
- informal (of a person) not completely sane〈非正式〉(人)神智不太健全的; 不太理智的。
(as) of right (或by right)
- as a result of having a moral or legal claim or entitlement属正当(或合法)要求; 依正当(或合法)权利:
the state will be obliged to provide health care and education as of right.
the right stuff
- the necessary qualities for a given task or job(完成特定工作、任务的)必要品质:
he had the right stuff to enter this business.
put(或set)someone right
- restore someone to health使恢复健康。
- make someone understand the true facts of a situation使理解真实情况。
put(或set)something to rights
- restore something to its correct or normal state or condition使恢复正常。
(as) right as rain
- informal (of a person) feeling completely well or healthy, typically after an illness or minor accident〈非正式〉(人)(尤指病后或小事故后)完全康复。
- immediately立即, 马上。
right enough
- informal certainly; undeniably〈非正式〉当然; 不可否认地:
your record's bad right enough.
right on
- informal used as an expression of strong support, approval, or encouragement〈非正式〉好哇, 行啊(表示坚决支持、同意或鼓励)。参见RIGHT-ON.
a right one
- Brit. informal a silly or foolish person〈英, 非正式〉蠢人。
she's(或she'll be)right
- Austral. informal that will be all right; don't worry〈澳, 非正式〉一切都会好的; 没事儿; 别愁。
too right
- informal used to express one's enthusiastic agreement with a statement〈非正式〉[表示积极赞同]对啊, 太对啦。